Social and Fundraising

The Social & Fundraising Committee organises events throughout the school year. Whilst some of these events encompass a fundraising component, all of them are planned to foster social relationships for parents and children to flourish and to provide them with the opportunity to feel connected to their school community. These events include:

  • Welcome Morning Tea & P&C Information Session
  • Back to School Welcome BBQ
  • Mothers Day Breakfast
  • Mid Year DInner / Dance – the Annual school major fundraising event
  • Fathers’ Day Breakfast
  • Grandparents Day
  • Highlander Cup
  • Halloween Disco
  • Dads’ night out
  • Lindfield Public Staff Thank you lunch
  • Year 6 parents cocktail party / students Disco

Government funding provides a great education for our children. However, through extra funds raised by the Social & Fundraising Committee, our children are able to thrive in comfortable surroundings where they can concentrate, focus and achieve their best. This in turn attracts the excellent teaching staff that we have; all of whom create a positive classroom environment and encourage curiosity and a love of learning. It is thanks to funds raised in previous years that we have many of the facilities and additional specialised teaching staff we have today which allow us to remain a progressive, high-quality school that continues to produce well-rounded students.

We have many successful initiatives thanks to raised funds, and probably our most-significant learning-based success is the teacher support program which pays for the employment of literacy and numeracy support teachers.

Other recent initiatives include paying for:

  • the extension and upgrade of the school hall
  • the new pool seating and grandstand
  • the installation of a new sound and lighting system in the hall
  • the purchase of reading resources
  • the purchase and installation of electronic whiteboards in all classrooms
  • the installation of air conditioning to the library
  • play equipment throughout the school grounds

The Social & Fundraising Committee welcomes new members. Whilst each event throughout the year is delegated to a specific Class or School Year group, this Sub-Committee oversees each event. This is a great Sub-Committee to be a part of if you want to get to know your school community and if you enjoy a sense of pride and success knowing you have given something back to your children and the children of the future.


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Social Committee

Co-Convenyors – Sarah Robinson & Verena Conti