Dear LPS parents

There is currently a development application to demolish 3 houses on the pedestrian crossing immediately opposite the school at 11 to 17 Gladstone Parade, Lindfield and build 21 townhouses (with 2 basement level carparks).  There is also a development for 43 townhouses at 9B Gladstone Pde (which once complete will be accessed via Beaconsfield Parade).

If the developments are approved, we expect construction will take approximately 18 months and WILL pose significant DANGER to children using the Gladstone Pde gate unless we are able to have strict construction conditions imposed in the approved DA.  Access to Gladstone Pde (and the surround streets) will also be severely affected in the construction period.

The P&C is putting together a formal submission to Council and preparing a traffic report detailing the full impact on access and safety for the students of  LPS. However we need YOUR HELP to ensure that Council hears our concern.

please consider sending an email (a suggested email which you can cut and paste is set out below) to Kuring-gai Council for each of the two developments (please cut and paste OR amend the draft or write your own); and/or
please sign the petition which will be located at the Gladstone Pde gate on a number of days this week.


Thank you for taking the time to review this information.


Draft email for 11-17 Gladstone Pde:

Email address:
Subject DA0481/16 11-17 Gladstone Pde

Attention: Stuart Radcliff

We are writing to you in relation to our concerns regarding safety and access issues that  the proposed development WILL pose to local school children walking to and from Lindfield Public School (LPS).

The proposed development is located immediately adjacent to a pedestrian crossing and opposite to the Gladstone Pde LPS school entrance.  LPS currently has 773 students, including 141 kindergarten students.  Students are also often accompanied by parents and younger siblings.

The traffic report prepared by Greenview Consulting dated 21 September 2016 (which relies on a traffic report prepared for Varge Traffic Planning for the nearby development at 5 Gladstone Pde prepared in 2007) (Traffic Reports) is deficient in its complete failure to address the impact of the development on either safety or access to the students of LPS using either the entrance Gladstone Pde (including in particular the use of the pedestrian crossing immediately adjacent to the development) or in walking to and from school using the surrounding streets of Norwood, Larool and Grosvenor Roads.

The Traffic Reports are out of date and do not properly consider traffic existing at and around the site in 2017.  At the very least, the Traffic Reports

do not include a traffic count for the peak pick up time of 2.45 till 3.30pm.  On 17 November in that time, 135 kids (and many more adults) used the Gladstone Pde gate to leave the school;
fails to address that Gladstone Pde is used by at least one bus route (565); and
fails to consider the impact of the development on pedestrians walking near to the site, including those using the crossing.
The documents submitted with the development application also fail to provide any information on the proposed construction method for the development.  Given the number of students using the Gladstone Pde entrance and the relatively young ages of those using this entrance, this is crucial information required to assess the safety and access aspects for LPS and should be required before Council makes any decision on whether it approve the development application.

We are very concerned about the dangers posed by the movement of trucks, equipment up and down the already very congested Gladstone Pde and through nearby streets which are used by the students of LPS during school “peak” times, which are exacerbated by poor manoeuvrability at and around the pedestrian crossing and in streets in which the trucks will use to gain access to and leave from the site.

Without any further information from the applicants, we request Council take into account the conditions imposed for the development in the Land & Environment Court Decision No 10735 of 2009 imposed for the development at 5 Gladstone Pde Lindfield.  Specifically we request Council consider imposing the following conditions on any approval of the development:
Prohibit truck movements (or parking of “waiting” trucks) during school “peak” times  (ie between 8.15 -9.15am and 2.30-3.30pm) on school days in Gladstone Pde to and from the construction site or the school zone on Gladstone Parade, Drovers Ways, Norwood Ave, Lumeuh Rd, Larool Rd and Grosvenor Roads (School Zone);
Restrict the size of trucks accessing the site and how vehicles will be managed to reduce the extent of reversing activity in Gladstone Parade and the surrounding School Zone
Manning the Pedestrian Crossing on Gladstone Parade at school times by a ‘lollipop” person during construction with an RMS accredited Traffic Controller to assist vehicle and pedestrian conflicts in Gladstone Pde;
Require notification to Council, adjacent residences and LPS at least 2 business day notices prior to demolition, excavation and major concrete pour days at the site;
Require a contribution to be used to widen Gladstone Parade to create a ‘restricted parking area’ to the west of the pedestrian crossing and the site to increase visibility of the pedestrian crossing both during and after construction.
Thank you for your consideration of these important issues.

Yours faithfully

Draft email for DA 0398/16 9B Gladstone Pde & 16-18 Beaconsfield Pde Lindfield:

Email address:
Subject DA 0398/16 9B Gladstone Pde & 16-18 Beaconsfield Pde Lindfield

Attention: Kimberley Kavwenje

We are writing to you in relation to our concerns regarding safety and access issues that the proposed development WILL pose to local school children walking to and from Lindfield Public School (LPS) during the construction period if the existing access handle is used for 9B Gladstone Pde, Lindfield for construction purposes.  It is not clear from the documents submitted in support of the development application whether access to the site to carry out the proposed Stage 1 Works will be via the existing access handle for 9B Gladstone Pde.

The existing access handle for 9B Gladstone Pde is located immediately adjacent to a pedestrian crossing and opposite to the Gladstone Pde LPS school entrance.  LPS currently has 773 students, including 141 kindergarten students.  Students are also often accompanied by parents and younger siblings.  The access handle is also located on the bend to Drovers Way.  It is extremely tight and manoeuvrability of large construction vehicles is of major concern.

We request that the Council consider imposing a condition in any approval for the works that will PROHIBIT the use of the existing access handle for 9B Gladstone Pde, Lindfield for ANY part of the construction works whatsoever and that ALL access for the works at the site will be via 16-18 Beaconsfield Pde Lindfield.

If however, Council is not minded to approve the proposed condition set out above be approved, then we request Council consider imposing the following conditions on access to the site via 9B Gladstone Pde, Lindfield:
Prohibit truck movements (or parking of “waiting” trucks) during school “peak” times  (ie between 8.15 -9.15am and 2.30-3.30pm) on school days in Gladstone Pde to and from the construction site or the school zone on Gladstone Parade, Drovers Ways, Norwood Ave, Lumeuh Rd, Larool Rd and Grosvenor Roads (School Zone);
Restrict the size of trucks accessing the site and how vehicles will be managed to reduce the extent of reversing activity in Gladstone Parade and the surrounding School Zone;
Manning the Pedestrian Crossing on Gladstone Parade at school times by a ‘lollipop” person during construction with an RMS accredited Traffic Controller to assist vehicle and pedestrian conflicts in Gladstone Pde; and
Require notification to Council, adjacent residences and LPS at least 2 business day notices prior to demolition, excavation and major concrete pour days at the site.
Thank you for your consideration of this important safety issue.

Yours faithfully