Escape to Africa



Let the authentic acapella singing and dancing of the 100% hOPE Ugandan Choir take you away as they bring the rhythmic beats of Africa to Lindfield Public School Hall, 218 Pacific Highway Lindfield on Tuesday May 24 (BBQ from 5pm and performance from 6pm). Once struggling for survival on the streets of Mityana, these teenagers are now touring to raise funds for their new school to help them build hope and a future. Also meet the amazing hOPE founder, Aussie teacher Trishelle Sayunni who is now ‘mum’ to over 150 Ugandan children. Clear here to hear their story in brief on Ch 9 news.

Visit for details or for event details see attached flyer or email

100% hOPE Choir visit flyer May 17

Celebrate Harmony Day – March 21!

The Harmony Day Poster Competition is now on in the school library – see poster attached for details. Great prizes – both for LPS students and then another round as our best entries go into the state-level competition. Please return your entries to the library by March 17. Encourage your child to celebrate cultural diversity!

Any questions or want to help us? Join the LPS social justice supporters group – email:
