2016 Entertainment Book

Dear Families of LPS,

Did you know that the LPS P&C Committee sells the Entertainment Book (including digital memberships for smartphones) as part of its fundraising efforts? Our school gets 20% of each book sold through our special web page (link provided in the promo below) or through our school clothing pool.

To have a flick through the book, click on the following link.


Please consider buying a book through us today!

The 2015 – 2016 entertainment memberships end in just a week……on 1st June 2016.


The NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Book and Digital Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers.

From every Membership we sell, 20% of the proceeds go towards our fundraising. The more Memberships we sell, the closer we get to our goal – so please forward this email to all your family and friends!

For just $70, you’ll receive over $20,000 worth of valuable offers.

Use just a few of these offers and you’ll more than cover the cost of your Membership!


A September update from the Social Committee

Lindfield Trivia Night 2015Hollywood Trivia Night

The LPS Hollywood Trivia night was held on the 22nd August and raised a total amount of XXX.

Thank you to the local business that supported this event and to the amazing parents of LPS.

Gladstone Parade Pavers

We have sold 525 personalised engraved pavers. These will be part of the new “Gladstone Boulevard’, which will be repaired during the January 2016 holidays.