JB 2016

Also this term is our recruitment drive for new Junior Band members for 2016. As such we are holding a number of open rehearsals for prospective parents and children to attend – so please help us by spreading the word to any Year 2 interested parents. They are welcome to come along,
hear our bands in action, and ask any questions relating to band next year. The open rehearsals are on Wednesday 28 October and Thursday 29 October (see calendar below).

The instrument try outs for JB 2016 are on Friday 6 November.

Congratulations to our bands!

Well done to our Stage Band and Concert Band who both sounded fantastic at the Spring Festival on Sunday. Thanks to our conductors, band reps, and especially to all the parents for getting your children there and back. We appreciate it was a busy day, and a late finish for the Concert Band children.
The Spring Festival was organised by the Northern Sydney Symphonic Wind Ensemble (“NSSWE”) and when their band played at the end of the concert it was certainly inspiring. NSSWE “aims to complement and enhance the school band program by challenging those students who have gained a high degree of musical proficiency”.
Children who play woodwind, brass or percussion in their school band and who are keen for more music in their lives can audition to join the NSSWE bands. For more details visit www.nsswe.org.au
Enjoy the break everyone and see you next term.
NB/ No JB rehearsal on Friday 18 September (as noted in calendar below).